Supporting Your Mental Health "Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more". NHS UK Out there you might find a lot of information about mental health, which can be confusing. Below is a list of organisations who can offer the right information, advice and support if you need it. National Services
You can talk to them about anything. No problem is too big or too small.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Resources
This site was created for young people, carers and professionals to pool together lots of helpful resources from across the internet that are available to help support your mental health and well-being.
The Reading Well scheme is available at local libraries They support young people to understand and manage their health and wellbeing using helpful reading.
Through a collaborative approach to mental health they support young people, their parents/carers, and communities to thrive through nature-focused interventions and creative therapy.
Advice and information, free counselling and help with emotional wellbeing. Based in Kingston and also providing walk-in sexual health services. For more click on the photo.
We're Mind. We understand mental health and wellbeing. We're here for you if you're finding things hard. We help everyone understand mental health problems, so no one has to feel alone.