What is the 15 Steps Challenge? 
The 15 Steps Challenge is a simple way of seeing care through a patient or carer’s eyes, and exploring their experiences. This way, patients and their carers or families can be involved in quality assurance processes. 
Who can do a 15 Steps Challenge?
Anyone could do a 15 steps challenge. 
How does the 15 Steps Challenge Work?
The 15 Steps Challenge involves walking around wards and care areas, and making observations.
Find the NHS toolkits HERE to guide you through the process. These are the same tools that YOL! used to visit some of Kingston Hospital's wards.
Why should you take part in a 15 Steps Challenge?
It is important that children and young people have a say about how healthcare can be improved! 
"Adults often look at the bigger picture of things but children and young people see other details that matter" 
Join YOL!
to take part in the next service review. Make a real difference!

Check YOL!'s achievements with the 15 Steps Challenge!

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